October 6, 2016 Uncategorized No Comments

Our company takes the responsibility of reporting to you, which guarantees you the path of your metal .Etsi today spending such an initiative to inform you of the developments that occur for aluminum.
Despite imports of Chinese product, the market in Europe is opposed to the price reaching $ 1,670. In the course of this increase of the demand of days for manufacturing is reduced. So the price is the same as the price of September. Another unpleasant fact for aluminum development is that the stock separately from the trend of price decreases continuously .With other words the way for a rise of around 20 minutes is too long.
With all these facts, the course does not evolve with constant and proportional attitude of our expectations. Our conclusions as a company that studies the tendency of metals is that the price although the upward trend in the broad market, will remain the same until early 2017.dikths

Recycling Metal Vichos | the news of aluminum
Written by Theodoros Vichos