Recycling Metal Vichos | Vary the copper with the development of China
July 14, 2017 Uncategorized No Comments
After recovery of the past few weeks, copper prices sunk once again for the prior week, to mark three weeks falling in the last four months. This fall occurs with difference 77 $/mt, the reason for this drop is the mixture of data failures of China where he holds increased reserves available. To point out that China is the largest consumer of copper and hold the lever of change of the world. An increase would be held by the building development of China. Following the listing of Shanghai affects in relation to but stock exchanges by 80% worldwide in copper.

Copper index recorded an increase of of 11/7 up in 13/7 with the value amounting to us $5923/mt. this short rise does not characterize the path of copper positive since the fall, after the 13/7 was sharp which characterizes him unstable and unpredictable for investments up to mid-August. When our own assessment of the red metal will suffer a drop in compact end of July and during the Aug. 10 and as a basis will have the 5800 $/mt.χαλκοσ
Recycling Metal Vichos | Vary the copper with the development of China
Written by Theodoros Vichos