October 22, 2015 Uncategorized No Comments

Our company takes the responsibility of reporting to you, where you ensure the course of your metal .Etsi today spending such an initiative to inform you about the developments that occur for aluminum.
With significant reduction observed in the aluminum pointer as we showed great reduction in inventory of.
So the beginning of September the price of started with $ 1,577 in stock 3265.750.

ανάλυση αλουμινιου

ανάλυση αλουμινιου

After the passage of September to early October started with $ 1,578 in stock 3179.225. Of these two months or price has not made big differences, but affected stocks 3179.225.
This has a negative effect which affects the long-term evolution of .Etsi you see at a glance the beginning of October at a price of $ 1,578 to close on 10.20.15 at a price of $ 1,506 and stock 3106.525 will see that the evolution of changing significant reduction, which markets adversely affected by such conditions. ‘So reduced demand for their raw materials a point which affect the value of recyclable (scrap) material and a consistent rising price of defterochytou (rod, sheet, wire).
With the evolution of the main changes we estimate as long-term support across your company provides for the stabilization of values ​​up to Christmas Day.
As consistent competence but also diversify the functionality of SCRAP companies our company RMV will inform you about the current developments arise.

Written by Theodoros Vichos