Recycling Metal Vichos | Analysis of Brass
April 6, 2017 Uncategorized No Comments

Throughout the course of the March record for the primary cast metal was negative. Thus affected metals to form various metals are primary materials, one of them is brass.
Brass despite falling metals absent drive (overview) upward trend seeking profit. Abrupt changes made in March and regards a 57% copper. The other metals which relate to the establishment of, showed a positive trend too small changes suffered.
Namely copper opened to the price of 6013,75 $ / mt and closed 5858,25 $ / mt. Zinc opened 2862,5 $ / mt to close the month in 2767,5 $ / mt, while lead lasted the opening price to the end of the month the price to rise 2300 to 2330 $ / mt.

Recycling Metal Vichos | Analysis of Brass
Written by Theodoros Vichos